Betty Lipton performs psychic readings from her office at 151 Congress St., Suite B, Portsmouth. You can also visit her online at
Where were you born? New York City. Floral Park in Queens.
What kinds of help do people come to you for? I instruct people on what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen. My specialties include helping people to find their life paths, and health issues. I'm so good with health issues that I have to be careful I don't take on other people's aches and pains for them. I've also worked with the police to help find missing people and solve cases.
How do you receive your psychic information? I read palms, tarot cards and photographs. I'm also a clairaudient medium — I hear messages for loved ones from people who have passed over.
Can I become a psychic? We all have some psychic ability that we can develop, but natural talent plays into it too. Voice lessons won't turn me into Beyonce.
How can I develop my latent psychic abilities? There are some books that can help such as "Mother Wit" by Diane Mariechild for general psychic development, and "78 Degrees of Wisdom" by Rachel Pollack for tarot cards. Practice using tarot cards and start with the major arcana until you feel comfortable enough to add the rest of the cards in.
What are your spiritual beliefs? I'm a yogini — I meditate, chant and have a great guru from India — the same guru Elizabeth Gilbert had in "Eat, Pray, Love." I practice transcendental meditation, believe in Jesus Christ, Christian saints, the saints of India, and sometimes attend Christian churches.
Do you believe in angels, fairies, demons, and UFOs? Yes.
Where do people go when they die? I believe in reincarnation, but first people go to heaven. How long they get to stay there depends on how good they've been.
How would you describe Portsmouth in three words? Quaint, hip and fun.
What is your least favorite thing about Portsmouth? Sometimes it smells like burnt toast.
— Photograph and interview
by Julien Aklei
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