Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dr. Oz examines healing power of angels, and coconut oil and oregano benefits


Dr. Oz and Rebecca Rosen explore the spiritual healing power of angels
Dr. Oz's guest was psychic and spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen. Dr. Oz was initially skeptical of Rosen's psychic ability, but was stunned when she revealed some hidden details about his family that he has never publicly shared.
Rosen, author of Awaken the Spirit Within, believes angels watch over us and we can harness their healing power by opening our consciousness to them.
“Angels are beings of light, and they’re sent to us to protect, comfort and heal us if we’re open to letting them in,” said Rebecca.
Rosen told Dr. Oz we should listen to our instincts and trust our gut when we get a strong feeling about something because that's a signal that a divine energy is trying to send us a message.
Rebecca, who also wrote Spirited: Unlock Your Psychic Self and Change Your Life, said there are three steps we can take to draw on the healing power of angels:
  • meditate
  • pray
  • trust.
Dr. Oz Reveals Natural Dandruff Cures
Dr. Oz said there there are natural, inexpensive ways to cure dandruff lurking right in your kitchen cabinet:
  • Apple cider vinegar. Mix ¼ cup water and ¼ cup apple cider vinegar to a spray bottle and spray on scalp. Leave in for 15 minutes and rinse. When taken orally, apple cider vinegar also promotes weight loss by regulating blood sugar and curbing hunger.
  • Coconut oil. Put a small amount of coconut oil on a cotton ball and apply directly to scalp. Leave in for one hour and then rinse. Coconut oil also conditions hair, so it has a dual function.
Antibiotic Power of Oil of Oregano
Dr. Oz said oil of oregano is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics doctors recommend to fight infection and boost your immune system. Dr. Oz said this inexpensive plant oil fights viruses and bacteria and can be used in other ways:
  • Hand sanitizer. Add 10 drops of oregano oil to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Use it as a hand sanitizer (the coconut oil also acts as a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth).
  • Decongestant. Add one drop of oil of oregano to a basin of hot water. Breathe in the vapors with a towel over you head to clear stuffed sinuses.
  • Treat acne. Add equal amounts of oregano oil to olive or coconut oil and dab it on your pimples with a swab before bedtime.

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